Welcome to OLRA

Fall Program Basic Information

For fall we offer a competitve training and racing program for junior rowers with practice beginning September 4 through November 1. Practice starts at 2:45 until 5pm, weekdays. Those attending Old Lyme High School can take the bus to the lake. If you are farther away there is some flexibility on arrival up to 3pm. Attendance is required except with an excuse. We will be training at a high level for a series of fall races:

  • CRI Fall Classic in Boston, 21 Sep
  • Head of the Riverfront in Hartford, 6 Oct
  • Fall NEIRA in Worchester, 13 Oct or Head of the Housatonic in Derby 13 Oct
  • Head of the Charles (limited entries), 18-20 Oct
  • Head of the Schuykill, Philadelphia, 26-27 Oct

To join this program you must be entering, or in, high school.

Previous training and/or racing experience is required as we begin training at the start of the program. All rowers will sweep and scull.

The coaches will be Paul Fuchs, Dale Hoxie and Leo Pellitier.

We always have a great group of kids and a lot of fun!

Registration is HERE

Note to all:

As always, we have scholarships available for all levels of our programs. If you have a financial issue contact Paul Fuchs directly for a confidential discussion